Blog: Dog and Cat


Microchipping is a safe, permanent way to identify your pet if they ever get lost. Even the most responsible and careful pet owners can’t always guarantee their pet won’t go missing. It only takes a moment for them to break away from a leash or run out of an open...

Laser Therapy

Therapeutic laser treatments are one of the many rehabilitation services available to our patients. Laser treatments are a safe and non-invasive way to stimulate your pet’s recovery. The laser’s light penetrates your pet’s skin and tissues, naturally speeding up your pet’s healing process.


Heartworm testing is the only way to accurately diagnose your pet since heartworms are often undetectable. (Even if you’re examining your pet’s poop.) If your pet is due for testing, please contact us at 613-258-5745.


Thinking about life without your pet can be a huge adjustment for your entire family. Whether your pet passes unexpectedly or during a predetermined time, it doesn’t make the grieving process any easier. With euthanasia, mourning the loss of your pet before they’re gone can be difficult. Our team can...